
Statement by acting NATO spokesperson

Situation in Eastern Ukraine

USPA NEWS - Today, NATO Allies discussed the situation in eastern Ukraine. Allies expressed their serious concern about the recent sharp escalation of violence. In the discussions, Allies stressed the need for all parties to de-escalate tensions and exercise restraint.
They underlined that the focus must be on pursuing a solution through diplomatic means. The full implementation of the Minsk agreements is the path to peace. Russia has a special responsibility to find a political solution. Any attempt by the Russian-backed separatists to take over more of Ukraine´s territory would be unacceptable to the international community.

The OSCE monitors must be able to do their job safely and without restrictions. NATO stands firm in our support for Ukraine´s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Allies reaffirmed that an independent, sovereign and stable Ukraine, firmly committed to democracy and the rule of law, is key to security in the Euro-Atlantic area. NATO will continue to follow the situation very closely.

NATO´s relations with Ukraine - The Allies believe that a sovereign, independent and stable Ukraine, firmly committed to democracy and the rule of law, is key to Euro-Atlantic security. Relations date back to the early 1990s and have since developed into one of the most substantive of NATO´s partnerships. Since 2014, in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, cooperation has been intensified in critical areas.
HIGHLITGHTS: Dialogue and cooperation started after the end of the Cold War, when newly independent Ukraine joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (1991) and the Partnership for Peace programme (1994). Relations were strengthened with the signing of the 1997 Charter on a Distinctive Partnership, which established the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NUC) to take cooperation forward. Cooperation has deepened over time and is mutually beneficial with Ukraine being the only partner to have contributed actively to all NATO-led operations and missions. Priority is given to support for comprehensive reform in the security and defence sector, which is vital for Ukraine´s democratic development and for strengthening its ability to defend itself.

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